Lullaby for the Unseen | Weird Horror, March 2023 | Horror | 1200 words
"An exquisitely creepy little flash tale about a haunted house, the boy who lives there, and a girl who loves looking at the things she should not." - Vanessa Fogg
- Reviews and features:
- Tor.com's Must Read Short Speculative Fiction: March 2023
- Vanessa Fogg's Short Fiction Recs! May-June 2023
- Eugenia Triantafyllou's An Incomplete List of Beautiful Stories That I Enjoyed in 2023
- The Feminist Bibliothecary's 31 Short Stories With Perfect Spooky Vibes to Read for Halloween
They Came From Beyond | Tree and Stone - Para el Pueblo, May 2023 | Magical Realism | 1200 words
A strange fog has invaded the four-times-heroic city of Puebla de Zaragoza. The local community reacts in the best way: with food, games and music.
Nostalgia took you back to your childhood home where your name was left behind long ago. It's up to you to re-appropriate that name, celebrate the one you have chosen, or encounter something else...
A story about identity, places to belong and how the search for them can be a little unsettling.
- Reviews and features:
- In the Nebula Reading List
- Phong Quan at X.com
- In the IFDB
What Should Not Be Broken | Ex Marginalia, February 2023
"[...] having spoken in broken language as a migrant – now speaks of the fragility that society imposes on marginalized writers who can’t help but feel that everything is ‘‘only broken for you, and because of you.’’ But in speculative fiction came the realization that language is no more broken, that there are brand new worlds to play with." - Eugen M. Bacon for Locus